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Diana Miglioretti HeadshotDiana L. Miglioretti, PhD, is the Dean’s Professor and Division Chief of Biostatistics at the University of California Davis and a Senior Investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute. Her research focuses on breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and risk prediction; radiation exposure from medical imaging; and developing statistical methods for evaluating screening outcomes using clustered, longitudinal observational data. She is a fellow of the American Statistical Association. She the is Director of the Biostatistics Shared Resource for the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, and co-lead of the Population Sciences and Health Disparities Program.

Dr. Miglioretti co-leads the U.S. Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC), a network of six breast imaging registries with information collected on over 13 million mammography examinations since 1994. Evidence from BCSC studies has been used to inform updates to breast cancer screening guidelines by the American Cancer Society and the US Preventive Services Task Force. She is the contact PI of an NCI-funded program project (P01 CA154292) and the PI of a PCORI-funded large pragmatic study (PCS-1504-30370) using BCSC data to evaluate methods for improving breast cancer screening and surveillance by identifying women who might benefit from more frequent or intense imaging. She is a PI on an NCI-funded R01 (R01 CA185687) evaluating the risk of pediatric and adolescent cancer associated with radiation exposure from medical imaging using a cohort of over 4 million children in the U.S. and Ontario, Canada.

She is a co-PI and data coordinating center director for the Watch the Spot Trial, a PCORI-funded large, pragmatic randomized trial (PCS-1403-12653) evaluating more versus less intensive strategies for active surveillance of patients with small pulmonary nodules. Dr. Miglioretti has collaborated on over 220 publications and enjoys mentoring graduate students and early-stage faculty. She enthusiastically shares her expertise as an instructor at the Radiological Society of North America's (RSNA) annual clinical trials methodology workshop, which prepares radiologists to develop research protocols for clinical trials.

Curriculum Vitae