breast cancer cells through microscope


Research Interest Areas

Dr. Miglioretti is committed to improving health care by building the evidence base for personalized breast cancer screening and by evaluating the benefits and harms of medical tests. She pursues a rigorous combination of applied and methodological research. Her work focuses on evaluating the benefits and harms of breast cancer screening, risk prediction modeling, and evaluating radiation exposure from medical imaging and associated cancer risks. 


Clustered and longitudinal data analysis; latent variable modeling; assessment of diagnostic screening tests


Biostatistics; breast cancer screening and surveillance; mammographic breast density; risk prediction modeling; lung nodule surveillance


Radiation exposure from medical imaging; radiation-induced cancers from medical imaging; evaluation of imaging tests; trends in imaging use and associated radiation exposure; optimizing and standardizing radiation exposure from CT imaging

Screening and Surveillance

Effectiveness of different screening strategies including risk-based screening; optimizing monitoring for recurrence after breast cancer treatment


Current Studies

Dr. Miglioretti is currently a Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator (or other significant role) on the following studies:

Prior Studies

For full list, see CV.